Love to Ride for Business

More staff riding =

Love to Ride gives your business healthier, happier, more productive staff.

Love to Ride gives you the benefits of a …

Wellness Program

Sustainability Program

Transportation Program

Team building Program

All combined into one proven program used by more than 8,000 companies worldwide.

We support your existing programs and provide you with a specialist cycling encouragement tool.

If you want to achieve all the benefits that more staff biking will bring, then you have found the best tool for the job.

You can get a bunch of benefits


Healthier, Happier Staff

2.4 fewer sick days – average saving of a regular rider

Reduced insurance premiums – save an average of $600 (£470) per staff per year.

Increase Productivity

Staff who ride are

More alert at work

Less stressed (they’re not stuck in traffic! And exercise is a natural stress reliever)

Have more energy!

Attract and retain great staff

Workplace culture is the number 1 factor for millennials and generation z when choosing a new role

Staff turnover can cost between 16-21% of the employee’s annual salary

Happier, healthier staff who feel supported by their employer are more satisfied and less likely to look for a new job

Show your employees that you care about their wellbeing and happiness

Reduce Parking Costs

Car parking costs can be huge – on average $1,900 (£1,490) per space per year.

Save money by encouraging more of your staff who live nearby to ride.

Three Key Benefits

Find out the three key benefits of Love to Ride for Business.

What people say about Love to Ride

Check out this short 1-minute video.

Behavior Change

Find out how behavior change theory can get more people cycling!

What You Get

We’ll tailor a program to meet your needs, goals and budget. You can have just 1 campaign for a month, or have 4 campaigns spread as part of a year-round encouragement program.

Fun, friendly challenges

Build comradery and achieve measurable results with our Love to Ride challenges. More than 600,000 people have now taken part in our challenges!

Your own love to Ride business page

An online biking hub for your employees – with all the information and advice they need to ride safely, share their stories, set goals, earn badges, and encourage and support each other.


Access stats and results that your staff are achieving – from CO2 saved to total miles biked.

Engagement Pack

We’ll provide you with a promotional pack to make getting the word out at your business easy.

Guidance and Support

Your staff will receive ongoing support and guidance – from on-demand ‘quick courses’ to personalized support from our team.


The Global Bike Challenge

Our next campaign is Biketober. A global challenge where workplaces across the world engage in fun, friendly competition.

Compete against businesses of a similar size locally, nationally and globally

Riders earn points for riding and encouraging others to join them

Points = entries to win thousands of amazing prizes

And it’s easy to run internally

Platform Features

Love to Ride for Business gives you access to the following:

Statistics and Data

See the combined impact your staff are having through riding.

Your Staff Will…

Interested in learning more?

Alternatively, email or call us

USA: +1 (917) 767 8197

UK: +44 (0) 7789 473990

Australia: +61 403 463 448

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